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15 Proven Employee Engagement Ideas

15 Proven Employee Engagement Ideas

Just clocking in, completing tasks, and leaving is not enough for today’s breed of employees. Instead, they crave genuine investment, enthusiasm, and a sense of connection and value from their employer. However, most employees don’t have that experience. We share 15...

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6 Proven Ways To Encourage Idea Sharing In The Workplace

6 Proven Ways To Encourage Idea Sharing In The Workplace

Everyone knows that two heads are better than one. Most businesses already encourage idea sharing at work as brainstorming opens up fresh ideas, new perspectives, and creative solutions to problems. This could be done through team-building events, brainstorming...

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50 Happy Work Anniversary Wishes

50 Happy Work Anniversary Wishes

Every HR professional will tell you that celebrating work anniversaries goes a long way toward creating a positive work environment. Happy work anniversary messages acknowledge the dedication, commitment, and contribution of your valuable team members. However,...

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10 Employee Motivation Strategies That Actually Work

10 Employee Motivation Strategies That Actually Work

Organizations that understand employee motivation strategies are ahead of the game when it comes to performance and productivity. Motivation is the key to unlocking enhanced performance in your most valuable resources - your people. However, according to Gallup, only...

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11 Tips To Turnaround Poor Communication In The Workplace

11 Tips To Turnaround Poor Communication In The Workplace

‘Recollections may vary,' Britain's late Queen Elizabeth famously said. And the fallout can be devastating when there's a discrepancy between what's said and what's heard. We only have to look at the recent trials and tribulations of the Royal Family for confirmation....

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Website For Employees: Top 17 Essential Features

Website For Employees: Top 17 Essential Features

All-in-one staff websites that pull together the information and resources staff need is mission-critical. Employee websites (also called intranets) ensure that staff communicate, collaborate and connect from one central hub. No more all-staff emails or overloaded...

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Employee Retention Strategies to Hang On to Your Best Workers

Employee Retention Strategies to Hang On to Your Best Workers

What started in late 2020 with a rapid explosion of pandemic-flamed turnover rapidly grew to be a long-lasting phenomenon. Dubbed the Great Resignation, it's still affecting all industries and job categories. Employee retention is now a hot topic across the globe. And...

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HR Intranet: 10 Compelling Benefits For Human Resources

HR Intranet: 10 Compelling Benefits For Human Resources

The human resources team is at the heart of every organization. Traditionally, its primary focus has been people and relationships. In today’s digital workplace, those face-to-face relationships that have been so integral to HR are changing. The Covid pandemic...

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Fighting To Keep Employees During The Great Resignation

Fighting To Keep Employees During The Great Resignation

The pandemic-led tsunami of the so-called Great Resignation is still rumbling along. In the past year, more than 4 million Americans quit their jobs every month. There's no doubt employees are restless. Furthermore, the impact of employee churn is made worse by the...

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Employee Morale: The Ultimate Definition

Employee Morale: The Ultimate Definition

Unproductive, unhappy, zombie-like workers simply going through the motions – we all know low employee morale when we see it. However, recognizing it and knowing how to change, is entirely different. This ultimate definition takes you through all you need to know. We...

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Teams Celebrating: The How, What, And Why

Teams Celebrating: The How, What, And Why

Most organizations are good at celebrating big wins. Land that killer deal or break company sales records, and the whole world knows. However, many companies are not so good at recognizing the small wins that, add up to sustained growth. Yet teams celebrating together...

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5 Stages Of The Employee Life Cycle And Why They Matter

5 Stages Of The Employee Life Cycle And Why They Matter

It’s official – recruitment and retention have gotten a whole lot harder. That’s the bottom-line impact of the Great Resignation currently affecting global businesses of all shapes and sizes. And when it comes to taking action, the employee life cycle is a valuable...

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10 Sure-Fire Ways To Build A Strong Community At Work

10 Sure-Fire Ways To Build A Strong Community At Work

The average person spends a mind-blowing third of their lives at work. By contrast, we only spend a fraction of our time hanging out with family and friends. With so much time spent working, it’s fair to say it has a massive impact on our quality of life. Building a...

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Employee Engagement Strategy: 7 Practical Ways To Get Started

Employee Engagement Strategy: 7 Practical Ways To Get Started

You have read the research and checked the stats. You understand an employee engagement strategy is a must-have for any business. But when it comes to fleshing out the details, things get a bit murky. If that sounds familiar, you are not alone. Many company executives...

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Bad Leadership: 10 Tell-Signs And Tips On How To Cope

Bad Leadership: 10 Tell-Signs And Tips On How To Cope

Low morale, stress, burnout, and conflict. When a bad leader is in control, there are often distressing consequences for team members. And the outcomes are just as devastating for the organization. Decreased productivity, staff turnover, and unhappy customers are just...

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70 Inspirational Employee Engagement Quotations

70 Inspirational Employee Engagement Quotations

Nowadays, it seems every time we log in to social media, we're presented with a motivational quote together with a beautiful image. But are these quotes inspiring or annoying? Well, judging by the number of times they are shared on social media, there must be...

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Leadership Skills: 10 Great Tips To Keep Your Skills Sharp

Leadership Skills: 10 Great Tips To Keep Your Skills Sharp

Are great leaders born or made? It’s one of those perennial questions that has occupied the minds of many a great business thinker. And the consensus seems to be that it’s a bit of both. Many of the best leaders in whatever sphere of life you find them have innate...

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Employee Motivation: Do You Know What Makes Your Staff Tick?

Employee Motivation: Do You Know What Makes Your Staff Tick?

In today’s competitive marketplace, any advantage you can muster over the competition is worth investigating, right? Employee motivation and knowing how to get the best out of your workforce is one of those areas that can yield quite significant gains and yet it’s a...

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Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals

Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals

Tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t be leaving the newest trends in technology to your IT team. No matter who you are in an organization, from the business owner to the HR manager, understanding innovative technology can have a beneficial effect on every aspect of a...

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Top 8 Benefits To Offer Employees In Your Small Business

Top 8 Benefits To Offer Employees In Your Small Business

In terms of hiring in a small business, it’s challenging to find the cream of the crop. It can be even more difficult to retain top talent in any industry. The good news, however, is that if you offer your employees desirable benefits to work for you, it’s much easier...

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