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Employee Intranet: 42 Hot Reasons Why Every Business Needs One

Employee Intranet: 42 Hot Reasons Why Every Business Needs One

Want to improve your organization’s efficiency, productivity, and performance? It’s a no-brainer, right? Every company wants to streamline processes, enhance internal communication, and maximize profits. But what’s the best and most cost-effective way to do so? Plenty...

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Corporate Intranet Software: The Agile Solution

Corporate Intranet Software: The Agile Solution

How quickly does your company respond to business innovations? The truth is for many corporates, there are several layers of red tape to get through before the initiative is even put in front of the board for approval. Business agility, or an organization’s ability to...

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5 Ways An Intranet Solution Will Improve Financial Control

5 Ways An Intranet Solution Will Improve Financial Control

For small- to medium-sized business owners, internal control often comes second to generating sales and revenue. Responsibility for bookkeeping is usually delegated to the office manager or an admin assistant. For many businesses, this works perfectly well. However,...

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Company Intranet: Stay Connected This Holiday Season

Company Intranet: Stay Connected This Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and before we know it the Christmas holiday season will be here and while many of us are looking forward to spending time with friends and family, the anticipation is often tempered by a dread of the overflowing email in-boxes...

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Shadow IT: A Threat Or An Opportunity For Organizations?

Shadow IT: A Threat Or An Opportunity For Organizations?

The term shadow IT, almost by definition, has negative connotations. It conjures up images of clandestine downloading or secretive arrangements. But is it really all bad? In this article, we look at some of the pros and cons of shadow IT, particularly in relation to...

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Workplace Compliance: Ease The Burden With An Office Intranet

Workplace Compliance: Ease The Burden With An Office Intranet

Nowadays, it can feel like you can’t even sneeze in the office without having to record the event and report it to multiple agencies! Running a business today is indeed completely different to what it was even five years ago. Government and legislative regulations and...

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