Company Intranet Articles

Use this category of posts to discover what a company intranet is and how it can benefit your business. With simple, easy to understand explanations, this category will help you to explore the features and tools a company intranet offers and how it can support operations in your organization. From improving internal communications and simplifying workflows, through to enhancing employee engagement, facilitating joint working and enabling the sharing of files and data, the company intranet has much to offer any business regardless of size.

The information within this category covers all the basics such as ways to measure the success of your company intranet, security matters and mobile optimization. It also provides plenty of real-life examples of company intranets in action across a variety of settings:

  • supporting business processes such as project management and knowledge management
  • team applications including HR and marketing
  • practical applications including car dealerships, fast food franchises and startups.

Use the wealth of information in this category to support the development, implementation and ongoing management of your company intranet so that it meets all your organizational needs today and into the future.

Mindfulness In The Workplace: Practical Ways To Introduce It

Mindfulness In The Workplace: Practical Ways To Introduce It

It seems as though everyone is currently jumping on the mindfulness bandwagon: from Google through to Nike. But is it just another trendy fad or could there be something in it? If the notion of mindfulness conjures up an image of yoga mats, incense burning or mantra...

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Simple Workflow: Speedy and Accurate Business Processes

Simple Workflow: Speedy and Accurate Business Processes

All businesses have forms and processes that staff members follow every day. It could be requests for information from other teams or the ordering of supplies and materials, through to staff management processes such as requests for leave, expenses claims and change...

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Intranet Tools: What’s In The MyHub Toolkit?

Intranet Tools: What’s In The MyHub Toolkit?

Getting started on your intranet project can be difficult. There are so many things to consider and decisions to be made that it can be overwhelming. And when time is also an issue, as it usually is, deploying an intranet can sometimes fall off the radar even though...

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Salesforce Intranet: Save Money With A Winning Combination

Salesforce Intranet: Save Money With A Winning Combination

When it comes to customer relationship management (CRM) software, the cloud computing company Salesforce is probably the market leader. The chances are high that your staff will be using Salesforce to input lead information, update customer contact details or log work...

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Internal Branding: 3 Ways To Develop Internal Brand Advocates

Internal Branding: 3 Ways To Develop Internal Brand Advocates

Worldwide, many millions of dollars are spent by businesses annually on developing a public-facing brand and marketing messages based on that brand identity. Very few companies, however, pay as much attention to their internal branding and getting employees on board...

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Intranet Tools: The Essential Top 10 For Business

Intranet Tools: The Essential Top 10 For Business

Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with the business benefits an intranet has to offer. But for new readers here’s a quick recap on what’s possible by introducing intranet tools into your company: improved internal communications increases in employee...

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Company Intranet: Stay Connected This Holiday Season

Company Intranet: Stay Connected This Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and before we know it the Christmas holiday season will be here and while many of us are looking forward to spending time with friends and family, the anticipation is often tempered by a dread of the overflowing email in-boxes...

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What Is Knowledge Management & How To Make It Easy

What Is Knowledge Management & How To Make It Easy

Nowadays there’s so much information, data and statistics in the workplace that organizing, managing and sharing it is a challenge for businesses. How do you make all that knowledge work for you? How do you make it accessible to staff? It’s true – what’s the point of...

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Partner Portal: Increase Engagement With Your Partners

Partner Portal: Increase Engagement With Your Partners

If your business is dependent on partners reselling or on selling your product, then you’ll understand what a challenge it can be to keep them engaged. You want them to be enthused about selling your product over other offerings in the marketplace and with a wide...

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Free Intranet Software: Is It All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

Free Intranet Software: Is It All It’s Cracked Up To Be?

We all love a bargain, right? Who can resist the lure of getting something for nothing? It’s no wonder then that many companies have been tempted by the offer of free intranet software. What have you got to lose, you say to yourself. Indeed, why pay for something when...

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The Trouble With Meetings

The Trouble With Meetings

The trouble with meetings is that they are a monumental waste of time. Come on, be honest with yourself. Deep down you know it, I know it, we all know that meetings are an unproductive use of everyone’s time. The only reason we continue with this great charade is...

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Startup Intranets: Six Reasons Why Your Company Needs One

Startup Intranets: Six Reasons Why Your Company Needs One

Think that a cloud intranet isn’t for you because you only have two employees? Well, think again. Far from being the preserve of large organizations or corporates, cloud intranets have a lot to offer startup enterprises as well. The truth is with over 90 percent of...

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Intranet, Extranet, Portal: What Are The Key Differences?

Intranet, Extranet, Portal: What Are The Key Differences?

Nowadays the terms intranet, extranet and portal are often used interchangeably. It can, therefore, be very confusing to work our exactly what the differences are, let alone decide which option is the best for your organization. In this article, we’ll help you to...

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Company Intranet: Why An Intranet Steering Group Is A Must

Company Intranet: Why An Intranet Steering Group Is A Must

You launched your company intranet over a year ago and office life has been wonderful ever since. The company intranet has lived up to its promise: staff members are more engaged and productive, internal communications have improved and business processes have been...

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Mobile Intranets: Connecting Logistics Company Staff

Mobile Intranets: Connecting Logistics Company Staff

Logistics companies are fundamental to the US economy and are responsible for generating over $2b in net revenue. Transportation and warehousing of product is their bread and butter which means they have large numbers of staff out and about on the road, managing and...

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Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals

Company Intranet Use To Optimize And Achieve HR Goals

Tempting as it may be, you shouldn’t be leaving the newest trends in technology to your IT team. No matter who you are in an organization, from the business owner to the HR manager, understanding innovative technology can have a beneficial effect on every aspect of a...

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5 Reasons Why MyHub Intranet Makes Google Apps Better

5 Reasons Why MyHub Intranet Makes Google Apps Better

Google Apps, also known as G Suite or Google Apps for Work, is a cloud-based set of collaborative, content-sharing business tools. It includes Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and Google Forms – in fact, the complete Google offering....

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Using An Intranet For Project Management

Using An Intranet For Project Management

Every company undertakes some form of project management. Whether it’s a project to launch a new product; or perhaps it’s to come up with a new logo; maybe even it’s a team to look at updating the staff handbook – to a greater or lesser extent every business involves...

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