Imagine holding your organization's collective knowledge and essential resources in the palm of your hand. What a powerful tool that would be, right? And that’s exactly what you get with a mobile intranet. Everyone and everything is just a tap away with a mobile...
Social Intranets Articles
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What exactly are social intranets? And how will it benefit my business? Will staff be wasting their time sharing holiday photos and chatting or will there be enhanced connections and an improved company culture? Use the social intranet category to discover the answers to these questions and much more.
The truth is social intranets have had something of a bad press with some business owners likening them to social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. However, far from being the time waster that some employers fear, a social intranet can have a positive impact on the workplace by improving internal communications, increasing opportunities for joint working and enhancing team spirit.
Use this category to learn all about social intranets. Discover the potential pitfalls and how to avoid them and find out how to deploy a social intranet to gain maximum advantage in your business. This category provides an honest appraisal of the pros and cons relating to social intranets as well as plenty of practical examples and tips.
Intranet In A Box: Benefits, Essential Features & Use Cases
In today's digital workplace, hybrid organizations need a central hub that allows employees to connect, communicate, and collaborate, no matter where they are. A user-friendly intranet in a box ensures businesses of all shapes and sizes offer a top-tier digital...
How To Drive Intranet Adoption And Employee Engagement
You successfully launched your new intranet last year to much fanfare and pomp. Initially, intranet usage was high, with employees enthusiastically logging on daily. However, intranet adoption has recently tailed off with fewer users each month. Sound familiar? The...
Finance Intranet: Benefits, Features, And User Examples
The financial industry faces a unique set of challenges. Sure, employee engagement, knowledge management, and internal communications are up there, just like any other industry. However, financial institutions are also some of the most heavily regulated. Data...
Social Intranet Software: Top 10 Solution Providers Reviewed
Here is our round-up of the current top ten best social intranets. Ready to take the next step but unsure where to start? Our top ten list of social intranet software has got you covered. We compare key features, social networking capabilities, and much more. Use our...
10 Must-Have Internal Communication Tools
Imagine transforming your internal communications with the perfect tools, saving hours every week, and fostering the productive, engaged workplace every organization aspires to. Sounds like a pipedream? Maybe not, as today’s vast range of employee communication...
What is a Social Intranet and are they still relevant?
Social intranets have taken the world of employee communication by storm. With flexible working arrangements, hybrid workforces, and mobile computing the norm, it’s no wonder social intranet software is at the digital workplace epicenter. More importantly, the...
Online Intranet: The Essential Guide To Making The Right Choice
Company intranets offer a modern experience and connect employees to information, resources, and each other. In today's digital workplace, an online intranet is a non-negotiable. Business processes are streamlined, internal communication is simplified, and...
A Franchise Intranet Can Transform Your Franchise Operations
Building connections and streamlining communication are everyday issues for franchisee partners. Franchise intranet software offers a cost-effective solution. Franchise Network Solutions Franchises are now big business. According to the International Franchise...
The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024
The pace of change in today’s digital workplace is fast and furious. And the world of intranet software is no exception. Keeping on top of new trends and technological advances is challenging when your daily work is so full-on. The good news is that we’ve done all the...
Intranet In Business: Definition, Benefits, And Uses Explained
"Traditional intranets are dead — modern intranets are alive and well," declared research and consulting firm Gartner in a recent report. Intranet software has indeed come a long way since its first appearance in the 1990s. Intranet platforms are thriving in today's...
Intranet Applications – 25 Essential Uses With Examples
Every business owner knows that a productive and engaged workforce depends on internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing. However, these can be hard to achieve if you manage teams of deskless and frontline workers or remote employees. The good news...
SharePoint vs MyHub – Which is better for you?
According to Microsoft, over 200k organizations use Sharepoint, and there are some great reasons to do so: - SharePoint is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet specific business needs. It integrates well with other Microsoft tools like Office365, allowing...
Website For Employees: Top 17 Essential Features
All-in-one staff websites that pull together the information and resources staff need is mission-critical. Employee websites (also called intranets) ensure that staff communicate, collaborate and connect from one central hub. No more all-staff emails or overloaded...
All You Need To Know About Instant Messaging In The Workplace
The ping of instant messages is now commonplace in organizations worldwide. Many of us already use messaging apps to connect with friends and family, and worldwide, accounts have hit over eight billion. So, it's no surprise that business instant messaging apps have...
Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup
Many companies spend top dollar on trend-setting customer-facing websites with all the bells and whistles. However, often it’s a different story with their internal versions. If there is one, it’s usually cluttered with outdated content, making it impossible to...
Intranet Development: Making Life Easier For An Intranet Developer
You have been tasked with developing an intranet for an important client. How do you choose the right intranet development option? One that meets the customer’s needs at the right price and with minimum risk to your web development agency. Anyone who has developed a...
Water Cooler Conversation: The Essential Guide For Hybrid Workplaces
The good ol’ water cooler is the heart of many companies. It’s where we go to take a break, rehydrate and chat with our colleagues. However, the benefits of water cooler conversation go far beyond cementing social bonds and recharging our batteries. It also has a...
How A Modern Intranet Helps You Work Faster, Smarter, And Better
Once dismissed as clunky, dull document libraries, intranets sometimes got a bad rap. However, the reality is intranets have evolved since those early days. A modern intranet is a vibrant, dynamic corporate hub. They are far removed from the static information...
Self-Introduction The Ultimate Guide
It’s your own commercial or personal elevator pitch. You could be at a job interview, starting a new role, attending a networking event, or giving a presentation. A self-introduction explains who you are and what you do. It’s how you answer those tell me about...
Two Way Communication Explained
We don’t need to tell you how critical communication is to your organization’s success. It’s the glue that binds all staff together. However, many businesses mistake information sharing for communication. You may have a cutting-edge CEO vlog and multi-media staff...
13 Common Design Features For Business Instant Messaging
Fast, responsive, and relevant, instant messaging (IM) is a game-changer for many businesses. When collaboration and agile decision-making are vital, IM has much to offer companies. Once seen as the preserve of teenagers, IM has moved into the mainstream. And so, for...
Resurgence Of The Intranet: Bridge The Gap Between IT And Business Users
In the wake of Covid-19, the intranet has become a critical tool for businesses. That’s the message from 2020 research by Ragan Communications. A part of the digital workplace for several decades now, many businesses have been guilty of taking the intranet for...
Stereotypes Of Millennials – Fact Or Fiction? What Employers Need To Know
Let’s face it, millennials often get bad press. According to the media, they are lazy, entitled, job hoppers that are easily distracted by technology. Defined as those born in the 1980s and 1990s, millennials now make up the largest group of working adults in the US...
10 Tips To Overcome Remote Team Conflict
Conflict resolution within remote teams is a difficult task for any manager. But when the dispute involves employees who are working remotely, it’s an even bigger challenge. And yet, home working is undoubtedly here to stay. The pandemic has simply fast-tracked what...
Returning To Work After Coronavirus Tips
Coronavirus lockdown restrictions are gradually being eased in some places around the globe. Over the coming weeks, staff will be swapping their slippers for shoes as they head back into offices and workplaces. While this return to normality is welcome news, business...
Personal Project Management Made Easy
Sticky notes. To-do lists. Checklists... Love 'em or hate 'em, there's no denying they help to pull off a project. But as anyone knows who's been involved in a major initiative, there's more required than this humble trio to get things done. Both in our work and in...
Help Staff Work From Home: Adjusting To The New Normal
Staff working from home is no longer the niche movement it once was. Covid-19 has forced employees and employers to rapidly adapt to this new work situation with almost no notice. Zero planning means the pros and cons of working from home are being uncovered...
How Your Business Can Use An Intranet Social Network: 10 Real-Life Examples
The current lockdown across much of the US and countries worldwide has fast-tracked an increasing trend. The number of staff working from home has exploded. Finding ways for staff to connect, share, and engage is more important than ever. An intranet social network...
Inter-Office Communication Tools: What Are The Options Available?
Every business leader knows that good communication, both internal and external, is essential to success. However, while companies often spend big budgets on customer-facing communications, inter-office communication tools are still dominated by a 30-year-old...
Improve Communications In The Workplace: 10 Tips For Organizations And Managers
Communications is a perennial thorn in the side of many organizations. It doesn’t seem to matter how hard you try, the report card still says there’s room for improvement. And yet we all know if we can improve internal communications in the workplace, productivity,...