company culture articles

100 Smart Performance Review Questions To Ask Part Two

100 Smart Performance Review Questions To Ask Part Two

When it comes to performance reviews, employees often breathe a sigh of relief when the painful discussion is all over. If that’s you, then you are not alone. Research from Gartner shows 59 percent of workers think appraisals have no impact on their performance. It’s...

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100 Smart Performance Review Questions To Ask

100 Smart Performance Review Questions To Ask

Love ’em or hate ’em, performance reviews are still one of the main tools for getting the best out of your people. These days, effective employee appraisals are not just about performance. They dig deeper into a worker’s motivation, productivity, and wellbeing. Done...

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Strategies For Handling Destructive Criticism In The Workplace

Strategies For Handling Destructive Criticism In The Workplace

Giving and receiving criticism is part and parcel of every workplace. After all, it’s crucial for improving performance and developing employees’ skills and abilities. However, constructive feedback is one thing, and destructive criticism is an entirely different...

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8 Strategies For Managing Organizational Politics

8 Strategies For Managing Organizational Politics

Whether you work in a fast-food outlet or as an executive in a multinational, chances are you will encounter organizational politics. This issue often gets a bad rap. Most of us automatically think of backstabbing, brown-nosing and self-serving schmoozing. We can all...

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Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 3

Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 3

How To Select The Right Communications Channels Organizational communication channels are the mediums used by organizations to convey information and messages to each other. One thing for sure is there’s no shortage of communication channels to choose from. Advances...

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Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 2

Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 2

The Cost Of Poor Organizational Communication Various studies have tried to put a dollar figure on the cost of poor organizational communication. According to SHRM, this could be as much as $62.4 billion per year. And another study reports that 56 percent of project...

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Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 1

Organizational Communication: The Ultimate Guide Part 1

Organizational communication used to be so simple. Back in the day, the whole workforce could comfortably fit in the board room for a meeting. And cross-team collaboration was easy when colleagues were just across the hall. Fast forward five years, and it's a...

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70 Inspirational Employee Engagement Quotations

70 Inspirational Employee Engagement Quotations

Nowadays, it seems every time we log in to social media, we're presented with a motivational quote together with a beautiful image. But are these quotes inspiring or annoying? Well, judging by the number of times they are shared on social media, there must be...

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Employee Engagement The Ultimate Definition

Employee Engagement The Ultimate Definition

What does employee engagement mean to you? Is it just another fad? Maybe you think of it as a nice-to-have initiative if you have the time and resources? Or is employee engagement, as it should be, an integral part of your business operations, leadership and...

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Top 30 Employee Engagement Videos

Top 30 Employee Engagement Videos

Employee engagement makes good business sense, right? After all, it's logical that employees who feel involved, informed, and connected to your business are more committed and productive. Gallup has been telling us that for years. However, when staff work from home in...

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How To Develop The Perfect Company Vision

How To Develop The Perfect Company Vision

In the middle of a raging pandemic, developing a company vision statement is probably low down on the to-do list. As the global economic recession continues, there are undoubtedly lots of important tasks demanding your attention. However, a company vision statement...

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10 Tips To Overcome Remote Team Conflict

10 Tips To Overcome Remote Team Conflict

Conflict resolution within remote teams is a difficult task for any manager. But when the dispute involves employees who are working remotely, it’s an even bigger challenge. And yet, home working is undoubtedly here to stay. The pandemic has simply fast-tracked what...

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Can Workplace Technology Really Help Us To Collaborate More?

Can Workplace Technology Really Help Us To Collaborate More?

Workplace technology has undoubtedly transformed the way we work. When the first desktop computers were introduced in the 1970s, they were the size of modern-day TVs. Fast forward 50 years, and we are carrying around in our pockets sophisticated smartphone computers....

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Returning To Work After Coronavirus Tips

Returning To Work After Coronavirus Tips

Coronavirus lockdown restrictions are gradually being eased in some places around the globe. Over the coming weeks, staff will be swapping their slippers for shoes as they head back into offices and workplaces. While this return to normality is welcome news, business...

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Employee Suggestion Program: How To Find The Gold

Employee Suggestion Program: How To Find The Gold

Many great business innovations started life as a humble suggestion from an employee. It was a worker at Amazon who came up with the simple, but incredibly successful idea of offering customers free shipping. This innovation led to the creation of Amazon Prime. It was...

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B2E: 5 Ways To Enhance The Employee Experience

B2E: 5 Ways To Enhance The Employee Experience

No doubt you are already familiar with B2C (business-to-consumer) as well as B2B (business-to-business) marketing. Well, there's a new kid on the block: B2E or business-to-employee (B2E) marketing. The focus within B2E is about attracting and retaining the best staff...

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4 Easy Ways To Motivate Disengaged Employees

4 Easy Ways To Motivate Disengaged Employees

Did you know that disengaged employees could be costing your company thousands of dollars every year? Finding ways to motivate disengaged employees is a priority for modern companies, especially research tells us that disengaged employees are costing US companies a...

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Idea Sharing: How To Share Ideas In The Workplace

Idea Sharing: How To Share Ideas In The Workplace

Everyone knows that two heads are better than one. Most businesses already encourage the sharing of ideas at work. It could be brainstorming sessions, team-building events, quiet rooms dedicated to interaction and collaboration. Or even strategically placed sofas...

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Cultural Audits: How To Assess Your Workplace Culture

Cultural Audits: How To Assess Your Workplace Culture

Do you know what your corporate culture looks and feels like to employees and customers? Do you know whether your workplace culture is helping you to achieve business goals or is it standing in the way? The truth is most of us don’t know the answers to these...

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7 Reasons Why Employee Engagement Matters

7 Reasons Why Employee Engagement Matters

Employee engagement isn’t just a passing fad or a nice to do if you can type of initiative. The truth is employee engagement is one of the major contributors to business success. Really? I hear you say. Can it possibly make that much difference? And the simple answer...

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Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits

Exit Interviews: The How, What, Why And Benefits

Is your businesses guilty of letting important data on employee satisfaction simply walk out the door? Far from being a pointless exercise, exit interviews can provide essential insights into how your company is doing on the employee engagement front, and perhaps more...

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