information sharing articles

Connected Work: How To Connect Your Hybrid Workplace

Connected Work: How To Connect Your Hybrid Workplace

We don’t need to tell you the future of work is hybrid. Countless surveys like Prudential’s Pulse of the American Worker Survey have confirmed what we already know. Sixty-eight percent of all workers say a hybrid workplace model is ideal. However, connected work...

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Is An Enterprise Social Network Right For Your Business?

Is An Enterprise Social Network Right For Your Business?

We all know that every great workforce needs great collaboration and communication – that’s a given. But today's workplaces look different. Connecting, collaborating, and communicating are challenging in hybrid teams. An enterprise social network (ESN) can help bridge...

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Search Results, where is this file saved?

Search Results, where is this file saved?

When we updated the Files module recently we also introduced a new feature in the search tool. When you search for a file saved in the Files module you can now quickly see where the file is saved. In the above example, the search has returned a result letting us know...

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13 Common Design Features For Business Instant Messaging

13 Common Design Features For Business Instant Messaging

Fast, responsive, and relevant, instant messaging (IM) is a game-changer for many businesses. When collaboration and agile decision-making are vital, IM has much to offer companies. Once seen as the preserve of teenagers, IM has moved into the mainstream. And so, for...

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IT Intranet: How To Improve Service And Boost Your Profile

IT Intranet: How To Improve Service And Boost Your Profile

IT departments are the powerhouse behind every successful business; but, their contribution is often underappreciated. Sometimes written off as being nerdy and uncool, IT departments fly under the radar until something goes wrong. However, the Covid pandemic has done...

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Employee Suggestion Program: How To Find The Gold

Employee Suggestion Program: How To Find The Gold

Many great business innovations started life as a humble suggestion from an employee. It was a worker at Amazon who came up with the simple, but incredibly successful idea of offering customers free shipping. This innovation led to the creation of Amazon Prime. It was...

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Idea Management: How To Get Your Staff Thinking BIG

Idea Management: How To Get Your Staff Thinking BIG

Many business innovations are sparked by a fantastic idea from an employee. After all, staff suggestion boxes, designed to encourage idea-sharing, have been around for decades. Nowadays, however, technology has made it easier for staff to get their creative minds...

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Personal Project Management Made Easy

Personal Project Management Made Easy

Sticky notes. To-do lists. Checklists... Love 'em or hate 'em, there's no denying they help to pull off a project. But as anyone knows who's been involved in a major initiative, there's more required than this humble trio to get things done. Both in our work and in...

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Idea Sharing: How To Share Ideas In The Workplace

Idea Sharing: How To Share Ideas In The Workplace

Everyone knows that two heads are better than one. Most businesses already encourage the sharing of ideas at work. It could be brainstorming sessions, team-building events, quiet rooms dedicated to interaction and collaboration. Or even strategically placed sofas...

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Knowledge Transfer: Why It’s Important And How To Achieve It

Knowledge Transfer: Why It’s Important And How To Achieve It

The transfer of knowledge within an organization is often a poorly recognized issue. Most businesses will agree that it should be done, but very few have approached knowledge transfer in any systematic way. Usually an ad hoc approach involving a hastily arranged exit...

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5 Ways To Drive Intranet Adoption In Your Organization

5 Ways To Drive Intranet Adoption In Your Organization

You successfully launched your intranet last year to much fanfare and pomp. Initially, the user engagement statistics were great with lots of staff members logging on and using the intranet on a daily basis. Over the last couple of months though, usage has tailed off...

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Salesforce Intranet: Save Money With A Winning Combination

Salesforce Intranet: Save Money With A Winning Combination

When it comes to customer relationship management (CRM) software, the cloud computing company Salesforce is probably the market leader. The chances are high that your staff will be using Salesforce to input lead information, update customer contact details or log work...

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What Is Knowledge Management & How To Make It Easy

What Is Knowledge Management & How To Make It Easy

Nowadays there’s so much information, data and statistics in the workplace that organizing, managing and sharing it is a challenge for businesses. How do you make all that knowledge work for you? How do you make it accessible to staff? It’s true – what’s the point of...

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Busting the Social Intranets Myth

Busting the Social Intranets Myth

We’ve heard it all before: Social intranets just waste time. All your staff are going to do is idle away their time, sharing cat photos, holiday stories, and muffin recipes. Having a social intranet certainly won’t lead to an increase in productivity and more than...

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Startup Intranets: Six Reasons Why Your Company Needs One

Startup Intranets: Six Reasons Why Your Company Needs One

Think that a cloud intranet isn’t for you because you only have two employees? Well, think again. Far from being the preserve of large organizations or corporates, cloud intranets have a lot to offer startup enterprises as well. The truth is with over 90 percent of...

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