remote working articles

20 Fun Ways To Welcome New Employees

20 Fun Ways To Welcome New Employees

Starting a new job with an employer is nerve-wracking, even for the best of us. It doesn't matter whether you're embarking on your career or are a seasoned pro. A warm welcome from new team members makes all the difference. It calms those first-day nerves and helps...

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Kickstart Your Employee Engagement Communication Strategy

Kickstart Your Employee Engagement Communication Strategy

Kickstart your employee engagement communication strategy with these best practices. Whatever way you cut it, effective communication is the icing on the cake of employee engagement. Communication is a vital ingredient in developing the personal connections that...

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The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024

The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024

The pace of change in today’s digital workplace is fast and furious. And the world of intranet software is no exception. Keeping on top of new trends and technological advances is challenging when your daily work is so full-on. The good news is that we’ve done all the...

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Step-By-Step Instructions For Creating How To Guides

Step-By-Step Instructions For Creating How To Guides

Millions of people search "how to guides..." on Google or other search engines daily. These searches demonstrate a shared need: learning new skills and discovering how to do something. It could be developing the ultimate onboarding plan or making a tasty chicken curry...

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15 Tips On Effective Internal Communication Strategy

15 Tips On Effective Internal Communication Strategy

Drawing up an internal communication strategy for your company can feel daunting, right? After all, there's a lot at stake. Get it right, and you will have an engaged, invested workforce aligned to meet company goals. Get it wrong, and your employees could feel...

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Intranet Definition: What Is An Intranet?

Intranet Definition: What Is An Intranet?

Intranet, extranet, or portal, which is the right platform for your company? The terminology is used interchangeably, which makes it confusing, especially if technology isn’t your thing. In this post, we make the selection process simpler by unpicking what the...

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Jotform Alternative: 6 Alternatives To Consider

Jotform Alternative: 6 Alternatives To Consider

Jotform is one of the most popular form-builder apps in the market. And it's easy to see why. It's a freemium SaaS tool, so users don't have to install software to get going. Plus, there's an extensive library of basic forms to draw on. However, it's also fair to say...

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Intranet Applications – 25 Essential Uses With Examples

Intranet Applications – 25 Essential Uses With Examples

Every business owner knows that a productive and engaged workforce depends on internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing. However, these can be hard to achieve if you manage teams of deskless and frontline workers or remote employees. The good news...

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Work From Home Policy Template (with PDF sample template)

Work From Home Policy Template (with PDF sample template)

What started as a pandemic-enforced shift has become standard practice: Fully remote and partly remote working are here to stay. According to Upwork, 32.6 million Americans will work remotely by 2025. While many employers adapted on the hoof, two years post-pandemic...

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Corporate Intranet Software: The Agile Solution

Corporate Intranet Software: The Agile Solution

How quickly does your company respond to business innovations? The truth is for many corporates, there are several layers of red tape to get through before the initiative is even put in front of the board for approval. Business agility, or an organization’s ability to...

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Social Intranets: Are They Right for Every Organization?

Social Intranets: Are They Right for Every Organization?

Social Intranets In The Workplace Social intranets have taken the world of employee communication by storm. With flexible working arrangements, hybrid workforces, and mobile computing the norm, it's no wonder social intranet software is at the digital...

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Employee Retention Strategies to Hang On to Your Best Workers

Employee Retention Strategies to Hang On to Your Best Workers

What started in late 2020 with a rapid explosion of pandemic-flamed turnover rapidly grew to be a long-lasting phenomenon. Dubbed the Great Resignation, it's still affecting all industries and job categories. Employee retention is now a hot topic across the globe. And...

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All You Need To Know About Instant Messaging In The Workplace

All You Need To Know About Instant Messaging In The Workplace

The ping of instant messages is now commonplace in organizations worldwide. Many of us already use messaging apps to connect with friends and family, and worldwide, accounts have hit over eight billion. So, it's no surprise that business instant messaging apps have...

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The Ultimate Best Practice Board Governance Framework

The Ultimate Best Practice Board Governance Framework

Let's face it, board governance isn't the most exciting topic. However, it's vital to the smooth running of every business, no matter the size or scope. A robust governance structure helps organizations meet business goals. These include risk management, better...

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HR Intranet: 10 Compelling Benefits For Human Resources

HR Intranet: 10 Compelling Benefits For Human Resources

The human resources team is at the heart of every organization. Traditionally, its primary focus has been people and relationships. In today’s digital workplace, those face-to-face relationships that have been so integral to HR are changing. The Covid pandemic...

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Employee Directory Software: The Intranet Solution

Employee Directory Software: The Intranet Solution

Are you looking for employee directory software? Well, try googling ‘employee directory software’, and you’ll find hundreds of results. And yes, most of them will do what it says on the box and deliver a functioning employee directory. But that’s it – that’s all they...

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Fighting To Keep Employees During The Great Resignation

Fighting To Keep Employees During The Great Resignation

The pandemic-led tsunami of the so-called Great Resignation is still rumbling along. In the past year, more than 4 million Americans quit their jobs every month. There's no doubt employees are restless. Furthermore, the impact of employee churn is made worse by the...

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100 Remote Work Statistics

100 Remote Work Statistics

When the lights went out in workplaces worldwide in 2020, no one anticipated the dramatic impact on how we work. However, there’s no doubt remote work is here to stay. What started as an emergency measure during the COVID-19 pandemic has become mainstream. Three years...

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Out Of Office: Remote Work In 2023

Out Of Office: Remote Work In 2023

If we have one thing to thank the pandemic for, it’s the explosion in remote work. And here’s the deal: From 2018 to 2021, the number of full-time remote workers more than quadrupled. Now that the dust has settled and restrictions have been eased, what’s the future of...

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Business Casual Dress Code For Workplaces In 2023

Business Casual Dress Code For Workplaces In 2023

With the explosion in hybrid working, nailing a business casual look in the workplace has got a bit more complicated. Here’s the deal: Business casual means different things in different companies and industries. What’s acceptable in a law firm may be too formal and...

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Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup

Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup

Many companies spend top dollar on trend-setting customer-facing websites with all the bells and whistles. However, often it’s a different story with their internal versions. If there is one, it’s usually cluttered with outdated content, making it impossible to...

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Communication Matrix: A Step By Step Guide With Free Template

Communication Matrix: A Step By Step Guide With Free Template

We all know that internal communication has gotten a whole lot harder. With hybrid, fully remote, and on-the-go workers, keeping everyone in the loop is a labor worthy of Hercules. A communication matrix is a handy tool that makes the task a whole lot easier. Whether...

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How To Build Trust In A Team: 10 Proven Strategies That Work

How To Build Trust In A Team: 10 Proven Strategies That Work

Every HR professional worth their salt knows that building trust is the key to lasting success in teams. After all, you deal with the fallout from breakdowns in trust every day. Miscommunication, conflict, poor performance, and high turnover are just some of the...

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What Is A Digital Workplace: The Ultimate Definition

What Is A Digital Workplace: The Ultimate Definition

First coined by DWG in 2009, back then the term digital workplace was new and exciting. Organizations were tentatively embracing the cloud, setting up intranets, and jumping on the Yammer bandwagon. Fast forward several years and one pandemic later, and it’s a...

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12 Top Tips To Power Up Your HR Comms

12 Top Tips To Power Up Your HR Comms

HR is the beating heart of every business, connecting management and staff. Get HR comms right, and the whole organization thrives. Impacting employee engagement, morale, and productivity, plus much more, HR communications are vital to business success. However,...

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