business process management articles

Internet vs Intranet: The Ultimate Explanation

Internet vs Intranet: The Ultimate Explanation

Just like you say tomato and I say tomahto, internet vs intranet are the same, right? Although the names sound similar and share several features, the platforms have distinct differences. Here, we debunk some of the confusion and provide simple-to-understand...

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A Franchise Intranet Can Transform Your Franchise Operations

A Franchise Intranet Can Transform Your Franchise Operations

Building connections and streamlining communication are everyday issues for franchisee partners. Franchise intranet software offers a cost-effective solution. Franchise Network Solutions Franchises are now big business. According to the International Franchise...

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Intranet Definition: What Is An Intranet?

Intranet Definition: What Is An Intranet?

Intranet, extranet, or portal, which is the right platform for your company? The terminology is used interchangeably, which makes it confusing, especially if technology isn’t your thing. In this post, we make the selection process simpler by unpicking what the...

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Jotform Alternative: 6 Alternatives To Consider

Jotform Alternative: 6 Alternatives To Consider

Jotform is one of the most popular form-builder apps in the market. And it's easy to see why. It's a freemium SaaS tool, so users don't have to install software to get going. Plus, there's an extensive library of basic forms to draw on. However, it's also fair to say...

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Work From Home Policy Template (with PDF sample template)

Work From Home Policy Template (with PDF sample template)

What started as a pandemic-enforced shift has become standard practice: Fully remote and partly remote working are here to stay. According to Upwork, 32.6 million Americans will work remotely by 2025. While many employers adapted on the hoof, two years post-pandemic...

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The 12 Best Board Governance Software In 2023

The 12 Best Board Governance Software In 2023

If you are looking for the best board governance software, you have landed in the right place. We've crunched the numbers and done all the hard work. Our ultimate board management software guide contains the top 12 board management solutions on the market in 2023....

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Corporate Intranet Software: The Agile Solution

Corporate Intranet Software: The Agile Solution

How quickly does your company respond to business innovations? The truth is for many corporates, there are several layers of red tape to get through before the initiative is even put in front of the board for approval. Business agility, or an organization’s ability to...

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27 Easy Office Management Software Tools

27 Easy Office Management Software Tools

Office managers wear many hats and juggle multiple tasks all at once. It's a full-on role that's crucial to the smooth running of pretty much everything. They are the go-to person, whether scheduling meetings, organizing events, ordering supplies, or arranging travel....

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Microsoft Forms: Your Questions Answered

Microsoft Forms: Your Questions Answered

Form filling is part and parcel of every organization. From vacation requests and purchase orders to employee feedback surveys or quizzes, paperwork is a given. However, digital technology has transformed the humble form. Now approvals can be submitted online for...

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Business Intranet Solutions: The Why, How and What

Business Intranet Solutions: The Why, How and What

The modern intranet is now mission-critical for today's digital workplace. Benefits such as improved internal communication and enhanced employee efficiency have seen an explosion in intranet adoption by companies worldwide. If you are considering jumping on the...

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Fighting To Keep Employees During The Great Resignation

Fighting To Keep Employees During The Great Resignation

The pandemic-led tsunami of the so-called Great Resignation is still rumbling along. In the past year, more than 4 million Americans quit their jobs every month. There's no doubt employees are restless. Furthermore, the impact of employee churn is made worse by the...

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Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup

Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup

Many companies spend top dollar on trend-setting customer-facing websites with all the bells and whistles. However, often it’s a different story with their internal versions. If there is one, it’s usually cluttered with outdated content, making it impossible to...

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Communication Matrix: A Step By Step Guide With Free Template

Communication Matrix: A Step By Step Guide With Free Template

We all know that internal communication has gotten a whole lot harder. With hybrid, fully remote, and on-the-go workers, keeping everyone in the loop is a labor worthy of Hercules. A communication matrix is a handy tool that makes the task a whole lot easier. Whether...

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What Is A Digital Workplace: The Ultimate Definition

What Is A Digital Workplace: The Ultimate Definition

First coined by DWG in 2009, back then the term digital workplace was new and exciting. Organizations were tentatively embracing the cloud, setting up intranets, and jumping on the Yammer bandwagon. Fast forward several years and one pandemic later, and it’s a...

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Unlock Your Workforce’s Potential With Shared Knowledge

Unlock Your Workforce’s Potential With Shared Knowledge

Knowledge is power, so the old saying goes. But knowledge is only powerful if it’s shared. The Great Resignation is impacting companies worldwide. So, can you afford to have crucial company know-how walk out the door? A knowledge-sharing culture helps address this...

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The Ultimate Employee Onboarding Checklist

The Ultimate Employee Onboarding Checklist

Starting a new job is a daunting task for anyone. It’s just like being the new kid in school. You haven't got a clue what's happening, don't know anyone, and feel you stick out like a sore thumb. Despite the best intentions, many companies miss the mark when it comes...

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Best Practice Guide To Employee Onboarding

Best Practice Guide To Employee Onboarding

After months of advertising and interviewing, you have finally appointed that rock-star employee you have been searching for. Congratulations! However, if you want to develop a long and fruitful relationship with top talent, you need effective employee onboarding....

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8 Strategies For Managing Organizational Politics

8 Strategies For Managing Organizational Politics

Whether you work in a fast-food outlet or as an executive in a multinational, chances are you will encounter organizational politics. This issue often gets a bad rap. Most of us automatically think of backstabbing, brown-nosing and self-serving schmoozing. We can all...

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New Year, New Intranet: 11 Top Intranet Design Trends In 2022

New Year, New Intranet: 11 Top Intranet Design Trends In 2022

It’s been another full-on year for business. The emergence of Omicron, volatile economies, sustainability, and climate change, plus the Big Resignation, are just some challenges. However, through it all, intranets have been at the forefront in supporting organizations...

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Approval Forms: Automate Your Forms With An Intranet

Approval Forms: Automate Your Forms With An Intranet

Are paper and email systems slowing down your business? Are they also costing your company valuable dollars? The truth is just because you’ve been doing it the same way for years, doesn’t mean it’s the most efficient and effective methodology. In fact, paper and email...

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Department Intranet: Personalized Content For Every Department

Department Intranet: Personalized Content For Every Department

Intranets are designed to make it easier for employees to get the job done. Whether it’s internal communications, collaborative working, better access to information, and streamlined processes, intranets support day-to-day operations. This can all be delivered through...

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How To Develop The Perfect Company Vision

How To Develop The Perfect Company Vision

In the middle of a raging pandemic, developing a company vision statement is probably low down on the to-do list. As the global economic recession continues, there are undoubtedly lots of important tasks demanding your attention. However, a company vision statement...

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5 Ways An Intranet Solution Will Improve Financial Control

5 Ways An Intranet Solution Will Improve Financial Control

For small- to medium-sized business owners, internal control often comes second to generating sales and revenue. Responsibility for bookkeeping is usually delegated to the office manager or an admin assistant. For many businesses, this works perfectly well. However,...

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Google Intranet: Unleash The Power Of Google In Your Intranet

Google Intranet: Unleash The Power Of Google In Your Intranet

Google's impact is now so far-reaching that it’s even got its own entry as a verb in the Oxford English Dictionary. When it comes to work or leisure, there’s nothing you can’t do without Google. And many businesses have found Google’s set of collaborative and...

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How To Create A Company Intranet Without Coding Skills

How To Create A Company Intranet Without Coding Skills

According to Inc Magazine, the future of software is no-code platforms. We have already seen the cloud technology revolution transform the way businesses work. And the next wave in this process is the growth of no-code software. The ability to use software without...

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