digital workplace articles

10 Must-Have Internal Communication Tools For 2024

10 Must-Have Internal Communication Tools For 2024

Imagine transforming your internal communications with the perfect tools, saving hours every week, and fostering the productive, engaged workplace every organization aspires to. Sounds like a pipedream? Maybe not, as today’s vast range of employee communication...

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21 Must-Have Modern Intranet Features

21 Must-Have Modern Intranet Features

Here at MyHub, modern intranets are our thing. Since 2006, we've been a leading provider of feature-rich cloud-based intranet platforms. Our unwavering commitment to pioneering innovation sees us constantly refining our platform with new intranet features to help make...

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Social Intranet Software Overview And Top 10 Reviewed

Social Intranet Software Overview And Top 10 Reviewed

Social intranets have taken the world of employee communication by storm. With flexible working arrangements, hybrid workforces, and mobile computing the norm, it’s no wonder social intranet software is at the digital workplace epicenter. More importantly, the...

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What Is Team Chat, And How Does It Differ From Email?

What Is Team Chat, And How Does It Differ From Email?

More and more of us are using instant messaging to communicate in our personal lives. Over three billion users worldwide are signed up for Facebook Messenger, Skype, or WhatsApp, to name just a few. Not surprisingly, businesses also recognize the value of team chat...

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The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024

The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024

The pace of change in today’s digital workplace is fast and furious. And the world of intranet software is no exception. Keeping on top of new trends and technological advances is challenging when your daily work is so full-on. The good news is that we’ve done all the...

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Intranet In Business: Definition, Benefits, And Uses Explained

Intranet In Business: Definition, Benefits, And Uses Explained

"Traditional intranets are dead — modern intranets are alive and well," declared research and consulting firm Gartner in a recent report. Intranet software has indeed come a long way since its first appearance in the 1990s. Intranet platforms are thriving in today's...

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15 Tips On Effective Internal Communication Strategy

15 Tips On Effective Internal Communication Strategy

Drawing up an internal communication strategy for your company can feel daunting, right? After all, there's a lot at stake. Get it right, and you will have an engaged, invested workforce aligned to meet company goals. Get it wrong, and your employees could feel...

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Work From Home Policy Template (with PDF sample template)

Work From Home Policy Template (with PDF sample template)

What started as a pandemic-enforced shift has become standard practice: Fully remote and partly remote working are here to stay. According to Upwork, 32.6 million Americans will work remotely by 2025. While many employers adapted on the hoof, two years post-pandemic...

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11 Tips To Turnaround Poor Communication In The Workplace

11 Tips To Turnaround Poor Communication In The Workplace

‘Recollections may vary,' Britain's late Queen Elizabeth famously said. And the fallout can be devastating when there's a discrepancy between what's said and what's heard. We only have to look at the recent trials and tribulations of the Royal Family for confirmation....

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Corporate Intranet Software: The Agile Solution

Corporate Intranet Software: The Agile Solution

How quickly does your company respond to business innovations? The truth is for many corporates, there are several layers of red tape to get through before the initiative is even put in front of the board for approval. Business agility, or an organization’s ability to...

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SharePoint vs MyHub – Which is better for you?

SharePoint vs MyHub – Which is better for you?

According to Microsoft, over 200k organizations use Sharepoint, and there are some great reasons to do so: - SharePoint is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet specific business needs. It integrates well with other Microsoft tools like Office365, allowing...

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27 Easy Office Management Software Tools

27 Easy Office Management Software Tools

Office managers wear many hats and juggle multiple tasks all at once. It's a full-on role that's crucial to the smooth running of pretty much everything. They are the go-to person, whether scheduling meetings, organizing events, ordering supplies, or arranging travel....

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Microsoft Forms: Your Questions Answered

Microsoft Forms: Your Questions Answered

Form filling is part and parcel of every organization. From vacation requests and purchase orders to employee feedback surveys or quizzes, paperwork is a given. However, digital technology has transformed the humble form. Now approvals can be submitted online for...

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WordPress Intranet: 7 Of The Biggest Challenges

WordPress Intranet: 7 Of The Biggest Challenges

A WordPress intranet can appeal to organizations that want to create an intranet site. Even more so if WordPress already powers your website. WordPress is a free, open-source website creation tool, the world's most popular content management system. According to the...

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Employee Directory Software: The Intranet Solution

Employee Directory Software: The Intranet Solution

Are you looking for employee directory software? Well, try googling ‘employee directory software’, and you’ll find hundreds of results. And yes, most of them will do what it says on the box and deliver a functioning employee directory. But that’s it – that’s all they...

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Fighting To Keep Employees During The Great Resignation

Fighting To Keep Employees During The Great Resignation

The pandemic-led tsunami of the so-called Great Resignation is still rumbling along. In the past year, more than 4 million Americans quit their jobs every month. There's no doubt employees are restless. Furthermore, the impact of employee churn is made worse by the...

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100 Remote Work Statistics

100 Remote Work Statistics

When the lights went out in workplaces worldwide in 2020, no one anticipated the dramatic impact on how we work. However, there’s no doubt remote work is here to stay. What started as an emergency measure during the COVID-19 pandemic has become mainstream. Three years...

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Out Of Office: Remote Work In 2023

Out Of Office: Remote Work In 2023

If we have one thing to thank the pandemic for, it’s the explosion in remote work. And here’s the deal: From 2018 to 2021, the number of full-time remote workers more than quadrupled. Now that the dust has settled and restrictions have been eased, what’s the future of...

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Company Intranets: Revolutionize Your Business In 2023

Company Intranets: Revolutionize Your Business In 2023

Sometimes dismissed as ancient relics, company intranets have come a long way since their first appearance in 1994. Next-generation platforms have reinvented themselves. They provide state-of-the-art collaboration, communication, and knowledge management tools under...

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SharePoint Intranet: The Pros And Cons

SharePoint Intranet: The Pros And Cons

If you are on the hunt for a company intranet platform, the chances are that a SharePoint intranet is on your shortlist. After all, it’s one of the world’s most popular intranet technologies, largely thanks to its inclusion in Microsoft 365. However, it’s also fair to...

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Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup

Internal Website: Uses, Features And Setup

Many companies spend top dollar on trend-setting customer-facing websites with all the bells and whistles. However, often it’s a different story with their internal versions. If there is one, it’s usually cluttered with outdated content, making it impossible to...

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Collaborative Communication: Why It Matters

Collaborative Communication: Why It Matters

Tackling complex problems, fostering creativity and nurturing collaborative solutions is universal in business today. The terms cooperation, coordination, and collaboration are often used interchangeably. However, collaboration refers to a higher level of joint...

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