intranet content articles

Company Intranet Portal – All You Need To Know

Company Intranet Portal – All You Need To Know

Company intranet portal software has been a mainstay of organization's toolkits for decades. However, the modern intranet has come a long way since the early days and is now mission-critical in 2024's digital workplace. Outdated, clunky, slow are some criticisms you...

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The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024

The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024

The pace of change in today’s digital workplace is fast and furious. And the world of intranet software is no exception. Keeping on top of new trends and technological advances is challenging when your daily work is so full-on. The good news is that we’ve done all the...

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A Complete Guide To Developing an Intranet Site Map

A Complete Guide To Developing an Intranet Site Map

Have you ever tried to find your way around a new city without Google Maps? It’s doable but tricky, right? You can’t see where you’re heading or how things fit together. And without an intranet site map, you’ll experience the same confusion and disorganization....

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Knowledge Management Strategy In 8 Simple Steps

Knowledge Management Strategy In 8 Simple Steps

With up to 3.5 quintillion bytes of data generated every day, it’s no surprise information overload is a real challenge for companies. It can hamper agility, innovation, and productivity. And it’s a great source of frustration for your people. Did you know that...

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Intranet Applications – 25 Essential Uses With Examples

Intranet Applications – 25 Essential Uses With Examples

Every business owner knows that a productive and engaged workforce depends on internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing. However, these can be hard to achieve if you manage teams of deskless and frontline workers or remote employees. The good news...

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Intranet System: 12 Essentials Your CMS Intranet Needs

Intranet System: 12 Essentials Your CMS Intranet Needs

In the digital workplace, intranet software is more than just a nice extra. It's now mission-critical to businesses of all shapes and sizes. It's where the entire workforce, including remote workers, go to get stuff done in a private, secure network. A company...

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15 Creative New Intranet Launch Ideas

15 Creative New Intranet Launch Ideas

A new intranet launch campaign is the best way to whip your employees into a frenzy of anticipation that drives adoption and engagement. Building an eager buzz among employees is crucial to a successful intranet launch. However, it won't just magically happen when you...

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Search Results, where is this file saved?

Search Results, where is this file saved?

When we updated the Files module recently we also introduced a new feature in the search tool. When you search for a file saved in the Files module you can now quickly see where the file is saved. In the above example, the search has returned a result letting us know...

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Feature Content Module Update and Name Change

Feature Content Module Update and Name Change

We've updated the Feature Content Module and renamed it Call To Action as we've had a lot of feedback that the module name was confusing. This module is great for setting up links to files, pages and websites with a heading, explainer text and a button all in one easy...

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New Year, New Intranet: 11 Top Intranet Design Trends In 2022

New Year, New Intranet: 11 Top Intranet Design Trends In 2022

It’s been another full-on year for business. The emergence of Omicron, volatile economies, sustainability, and climate change, plus the Big Resignation, are just some challenges. However, through it all, intranets have been at the forefront in supporting organizations...

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How To Create An Intranet: A Step By Step Beginner’s Guide

How To Create An Intranet: A Step By Step Beginner’s Guide

If you are looking to create a company intranet in the near future, then this article is essential reading. Let’s face it, creating an intranet can be a daunting task for anyone but if technology isn’t really your thing, then it can be an even bigger challenge. Don’t...

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Stop! Before You Dive Into Your Intranet Project Read This Post

Stop! Before You Dive Into Your Intranet Project Read This Post

You’ve googled ‘intranet’ and have found a couple of options that look promising. You watch the demo videos and it all seems so easy. Setting up an intranet can’t be that difficult you say to yourself and so you dive in head first, promising staff that the answer to...

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Top 10 Intranet Design Trends 2019

Top 10 Intranet Design Trends 2019

There’s nothing like having a few days away from the office over the holiday season to give you a fresh perspective on things. It may be that you have come back to work, logged onto the company intranet and realized that it is looking a bit tired and dated and is in...

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CEO Blogs: Tips On How To Communicate With Staff And Customers

CEO Blogs: Tips On How To Communicate With Staff And Customers

Many companies are realizing the value of CEO blogs as an internal communications tool. You see, engaging and interesting content shared in a CEO blog ticks a number of boxes all at once: from increased employee engagement and improved internal communications, through...

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5 Top Tips To Keep Employees Engaged Post Intranet Launch

5 Top Tips To Keep Employees Engaged Post Intranet Launch

So your company’s office intranet is finally up and running – let’s call that step one! Now it’s time to move onto step two; creating intranet content that your employees will want to engage with. Unfortunately, too many businesses think that once the office intranet...

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Make Your CMS Intranet Content Valuable And Fun

Make Your CMS Intranet Content Valuable And Fun

“All staff” emails getting buried in inboxes? Printed newsletters seem outdated and environmentally unfriendly? It’s time to migrate company-wide communications to your (Content Management System) CMS intranet. Whether you’re getting the word out to an office of ten...

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Office Portal: 5 Essential Ingredients

Office Portal: 5 Essential Ingredients

Now that you’ve made that very important decision to go ahead with an office portal, you will want to ensure it’s as effective as possible. And if you’re planning the implementation of a portal then this article is essential reading as we identify five key areas to...

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Internal Communications: How Technology Can Bring Them To Life

Internal Communications: How Technology Can Bring Them To Life

Communicating well with people within your company is, in many ways, even more important than how you communicate with those outside it. With employees demanding more engagement than ever before, not communicating with your team can severely impact not just morale and...

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Intranet Design: 8 Ways Your To Destroy Its Effectiveness

Intranet Design: 8 Ways Your To Destroy Its Effectiveness

Your intranet design is as unique as your company. What works for another company may be a complete and utter failure for you, while your favorite features may be utterly unnecessary to someone else. There are some things, however, that can doom your intranet to...

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5 Top Tips On How To Produce Engaging Intranet Content

5 Top Tips On How To Produce Engaging Intranet Content

Some businesses make the mistake of thinking that once the office intranet is up and running – that’s it, job’s done! Making sure that the company intranet continues to be a success is often closely aligned to the quality of the intranet content and whether or not it...

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Internal Communications Trends 2016

Internal Communications Trends 2016

Note: Please see our latest post on internal communications trends for 2018 written after this post. Enhancing your internal communications strategy isn't always about being trendy. It is, however,...

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