communication tools articles

Company Intranet Portal – All You Need To Know

Company Intranet Portal – All You Need To Know

Company intranet portal software has been a mainstay of organization's toolkits for decades. However, the modern intranet has come a long way since the early days and is now mission-critical in 2024's digital workplace. Outdated, clunky, slow are some criticisms you...

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Knowledge Transfer Process In Six Simple Steps

Knowledge Transfer Process In Six Simple Steps

Have you ever had a veteran employee leave only to discover you have a massive void? We've all been there. Whether through retirement or resignation, a lot of key knowledge is walking out the door daily. Here’s the deal. According to the latest stats, 10,000 Baby...

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Internet vs Intranet: The Ultimate Explanation

Internet vs Intranet: The Ultimate Explanation

Just like you say tomato and I say tomahto, internet vs intranet are the same, right? Although the names sound similar and share several features, the platforms have distinct differences. Here, we debunk some of the confusion and provide simple-to-understand...

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Kickstart Your Employee Engagement Communication Strategy

Kickstart Your Employee Engagement Communication Strategy

Kickstart your employee engagement communication strategy with these best practices. Whatever way you cut it, effective communication is the icing on the cake of employee engagement. Communication is a vital ingredient in developing the personal connections that...

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A Franchise Intranet Can Transform Your Franchise Operations

A Franchise Intranet Can Transform Your Franchise Operations

Building connections and streamlining communication are everyday issues for franchisee partners. Franchise intranet software offers a cost-effective solution. Franchise Network Solutions Franchises are now big business. According to the International Franchise...

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The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024

The Top 11 Intranet Trends For 2024

The pace of change in today’s digital workplace is fast and furious. And the world of intranet software is no exception. Keeping on top of new trends and technological advances is challenging when your daily work is so full-on. The good news is that we’ve done all the...

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Intranet In Business: Definition, Benefits, And Uses Explained

Intranet In Business: Definition, Benefits, And Uses Explained

"Traditional intranets are dead — modern intranets are alive and well," declared research and consulting firm Gartner in a recent report. Intranet software has indeed come a long way since its first appearance in the 1990s. Intranet platforms are thriving in today's...

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Step-By-Step Instructions For Creating How To Guides

Step-By-Step Instructions For Creating How To Guides

Millions of people search "how to guides..." on Google or other search engines daily. These searches demonstrate a shared need: learning new skills and discovering how to do something. It could be developing the ultimate onboarding plan or making a tasty chicken curry...

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15 Tips On Effective Internal Communication Strategy

15 Tips On Effective Internal Communication Strategy

Drawing up an internal communication strategy for your company can feel daunting, right? After all, there's a lot at stake. Get it right, and you will have an engaged, invested workforce aligned to meet company goals. Get it wrong, and your employees could feel...

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Intranet Applications – 25 Essential Uses With Examples

Intranet Applications – 25 Essential Uses With Examples

Every business owner knows that a productive and engaged workforce depends on internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing. However, these can be hard to achieve if you manage teams of deskless and frontline workers or remote employees. The good news...

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Intranet System: 12 Essentials Your CMS Intranet Needs

Intranet System: 12 Essentials Your CMS Intranet Needs

In the digital workplace, intranet software is more than just a nice extra. It's now mission-critical to businesses of all shapes and sizes. It's where the entire workforce, including remote workers, go to get stuff done in a private, secure network. A company...

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The Ultimate Guide To Enterprise Intranet Solutions

The Ultimate Guide To Enterprise Intranet Solutions

Flexible, versatile, and affordable, intranet software is mission-critical to the digital workplace. Whether you are a global corporation, SME, or startup, the enterprise intranet solution has all the workplace tools your business needs to get stuff done faster and...

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The 12 Best Board Governance Software In 2023

The 12 Best Board Governance Software In 2023

If you are looking for the best board governance software, you have landed in the right place. We've crunched the numbers and done all the hard work. Our ultimate board management software guide contains the top 12 board management solutions on the market in 2023....

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How To Write Meeting Minutes With Free Templates

How To Write Meeting Minutes With Free Templates

If you've been appointed meeting minutes note taker, you may be feeling the pressure. There's so much information and discussion to record, and you want to do your best, right? The good news is that writing effective meeting minutes doesn't have to be an arduous task....

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11 Tips To Turnaround Poor Communication In The Workplace

11 Tips To Turnaround Poor Communication In The Workplace

‘Recollections may vary,' Britain's late Queen Elizabeth famously said. And the fallout can be devastating when there's a discrepancy between what's said and what's heard. We only have to look at the recent trials and tribulations of the Royal Family for confirmation....

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SharePoint vs MyHub – Which is better for you?

SharePoint vs MyHub – Which is better for you?

According to Microsoft, over 200k organizations use Sharepoint, and there are some great reasons to do so: - SharePoint is highly customizable and can be tailored to meet specific business needs. It integrates well with other Microsoft tools like Office365, allowing...

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27 Easy Office Management Software Tools

27 Easy Office Management Software Tools

Office managers wear many hats and juggle multiple tasks all at once. It's a full-on role that's crucial to the smooth running of pretty much everything. They are the go-to person, whether scheduling meetings, organizing events, ordering supplies, or arranging travel....

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Social Intranets: Are They Right for Every Organization?

Social Intranets: Are They Right for Every Organization?

Social Intranets In The Workplace Social intranets have taken the world of employee communication by storm. With flexible working arrangements, hybrid workforces, and mobile computing the norm, it's no wonder social intranet software is at the digital...

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All You Need To Know About Instant Messaging In The Workplace

All You Need To Know About Instant Messaging In The Workplace

The ping of instant messages is now commonplace in organizations worldwide. Many of us already use messaging apps to connect with friends and family, and worldwide, accounts have hit over eight billion. So, it's no surprise that business instant messaging apps have...

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The Ultimate Best Practice Board Governance Framework

The Ultimate Best Practice Board Governance Framework

Let's face it, board governance isn't the most exciting topic. However, it's vital to the smooth running of every business, no matter the size or scope. A robust governance structure helps organizations meet business goals. These include risk management, better...

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6 Quick Tips For Effective Team Communication

6 Quick Tips For Effective Team Communication

Missed deadlines. Long, messy email threads. Disagreements and mistrust. We all know poor communication when we see it. However, when it comes to defining effective communication, we sometimes struggle to find the words. Yes, it's about ensuring team members feel...

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Out Of Office: Remote Work In 2023

Out Of Office: Remote Work In 2023

If we have one thing to thank the pandemic for, it’s the explosion in remote work. And here’s the deal: From 2018 to 2021, the number of full-time remote workers more than quadrupled. Now that the dust has settled and restrictions have been eased, what’s the future of...

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Barriers To Effective Communication

Barriers To Effective Communication

Effective communication is a critical component of everyday life, both in personal relationships and in the workplace. It allows us to share ideas, thoughts, and information with others in a clear and understandable way. There are various methods of communication,...

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Teams Celebrating: The How, What, And Why

Teams Celebrating: The How, What, And Why

Most organizations are good at celebrating big wins. Land that killer deal or break company sales records, and the whole world knows. However, many companies are not so good at recognizing the small wins that, add up to sustained growth. Yet teams celebrating together...

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Communication Matrix: A Step By Step Guide With Free Template

Communication Matrix: A Step By Step Guide With Free Template

We all know that internal communication has gotten a whole lot harder. With hybrid, fully remote, and on-the-go workers, keeping everyone in the loop is a labor worthy of Hercules. A communication matrix is a handy tool that makes the task a whole lot easier. Whether...

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