100 Performance Example Phrases Continued

Apr 4, 2018 | 0 comments

  1. Finds it difficult to delegate to team members, preferring to maintain control.
  2. Needs to work on making team members feel comfortable in voicing concerns or bringing up issues.
  3. Does not encourage or reward the ideas and solutions offered by team members.

Problem-Solving Abilities

  1. Is creative and innovative in finding solutions to issues.
  2. Displays the ability to identify problems early on and is proactive in finding solutions.
  3. Always looks to address the underlying causes of problems rather than just the symptoms.
  4. Consistently encourages team members to find their own solutions to problems.
  5. Has a tendency to make excuses or blame others when things don’t go to plan.
  6. Becomes derailed and panicked in the face of problems and issues.


  1. customer experienceExcels in applying creative solutions to situations such as [cite example].
  2. Is willing to experiment with fresh approaches and ideas.
  3. Encourages team members to contribute new ideas and ways of working.
  4. Is hesitant about implementing innovations and new practices.
  5. Does not encourage or reward team members for their creative solutions.
  6. Rigidly sticks to traditional ways of working and shows an unwillingness to experiment.


  1. Has a clear sense of the company’s vision and how the team contributes.
  2. Is capable of translating visions into action plans.
  3. Excels in contributing to setting company goals.
  4. Lacks the ability to adequately communicate the company’s vision to team members.
  5. Needs to work on applying visions into clear actions and tasks.
  6. Tends to wait for new projects to be assigned rather than taking the initiative.

Customer Experience

  1. Displays the ability to work effectively with clients [include examples].
  2. Has a pleasant disposition and shows empathy when interacting with customers.
  3. Is able to handle difficult customers and situations.
  4. Constantly strives to improve the customer experience.
  5. Shows initiative when problem-solving customer problems [include examples].
  6. Needs to work on developing a better rapport and more responsive relationship with customers.
  7. Could be more proactive in dealing with customer concerns.

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Learning Skills

  1. Is committed to continuing professional development both at a personal and team level.
  2. Shows a willingness to learn new skills, techniques and methods.
  3. Regularly shares learning experiences and knowledge with colleagues.
  4. Shows a reluctance to participate in formal training programs or professional development opportunities.
  5. Fails to promote a team learning culture.
  6. Struggles to identify learning opportunities for team members.
  7. Lacks initiative to proactively take on new tasks or projects.

Project Management

  1. Completed x project, on time and to budget with y results.
  2. Is able to set realistic project timelines and can make adjustments in response to changing circumstances.
  3. Sets clear project goals and objectives and makes the best use of available resources.
  4. Implements project reporting procedures that are timely and transparent.
  5. Falls below the required standards in project management because [cite examples].
  6. Needs to work on developing better cross-departmental working and reporting for organization-wide projects.
  7. Rigidly follows project management methodology even in the face of poor results or changing circumstances.


  1. performance review employee potentialContinually pushes for additional responsibilities.
  2. Is committed to learning new skills and implementing fresh ways of working.
  3. Always strives to improve skills and productivity across the team.
  4. Is capable of taking on additional responsibilities or a promotion.
  5. Is capable of handling bigger assignments.
  6. Could further develop their skills through additional training such as [give examples].
  7. Lacks the required initiative for a more senior role.
  8. Needs to acquire additional experience and knowledge in x, y, z to increase the possibility of career advancement.

Performance Review Phrases

Rather than that dreaded blank piece of paper, hopefully, these performance review example phrases will have given you some ideas and impetus to get started. Done properly, performance reviews will not only improve productivity, performance and staff morale, they will also increase employee engagement across the board. Quite simply performance reviews will ensure your business is more successful.

Performance Reviews Next Steps

Now that you have the starting point covered, next check out our guide containing 100 questions to ask during a performance review from both a manager’s and employee’s perspective.

If you would like some help with increasing employee engagement, get in touch with the knowledgeable team at MyHub for a free intranet demo. With a minimum investment, a cloud intranet can address a number of important drivers of employee engagement.


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