Welcome to MyHub’s blog

Here you’ll find tips, tactics and strategies to help improve team collaboration, internal communications, and knowledge management within your organization.

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Microsoft Forms: Your Questions Answered

Microsoft Forms: Your Questions Answered

Form filling is part and parcel of every organization. From vacation requests and purchase orders to employee feedback surveys or quizzes, paperwork...

100 Remote Work Statistics

100 Remote Work Statistics

When the lights went out in workplaces worldwide in 2020, no one anticipated the dramatic impact on how we work. However, there’s no doubt remote...

Out Of Office: Remote Work In 2023

Out Of Office: Remote Work In 2023

If we have one thing to thank the pandemic for, it’s the explosion in remote work. And here’s the deal: From 2018 to 2021, the number of full-time...

SharePoint Intranet: The Pros And Cons

SharePoint Intranet: The Pros And Cons

If you are on the hunt for a company intranet platform, the chances are that a SharePoint intranet is on your shortlist. After all, it’s one of the...

Employee Morale: The Ultimate Definition

Employee Morale: The Ultimate Definition

Unproductive, unhappy, zombie-like workers simply going through the motions – we all know low employee morale when we see it. However, recognizing...

Barriers To Effective Communication

Barriers To Effective Communication

Effective communication is a critical component of everyday life, both in personal relationships and in the workplace. It allows us to share ideas,...

Teams Celebrating: The How, What, And Why

Teams Celebrating: The How, What, And Why

Most organizations are good at celebrating big wins. Land that killer deal or break company sales records, and the whole world knows. However, many...